Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Newborn Piggie

Newborn Piggie

21 14:13:46

Hi Andy,
We've had our piggie since May.  She's healthy and eats well.  We had her out of her cage this afternoon and a few hours later I was going to clan her cage and noticed POOF -she had a baby in there.  Those newborn babies are the cutest little guys.  My question is when it is weaned which correct me if I'm wrong is after about 2 weeks - are we going to be able to tell if it is M or F and if it is female can we leave her in the cage with her mother or do they have to be seperated?

Thanks in advance for any response.

Hi Stephanie

You are correct about the weening age.

You can tell if the baby is male or female now but I would suggest you give it a few days so not to stress out mommy pig. Take a look at the link below for help in sexing the baby.

If its female she can stay with mommy but if male he needs to be separated by 3 weeks of age so not to impregnate his mother, which is possible at a young age.
