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loose poops

21 14:23:31

How do I feed alphalpha to the babies and not Puff?  The vet wants her to eat Timothy.  I will watch her poops closely.  She just had what I think looks normal? But I will get some of the acidophilus tablets.  Can't hurt?  How much water or mush per crushed tablet?  How many times a day and for how long?  She seems to be eating her pellets, and Tim. hay and drinking her water fine.  Should I give her a little boost and feed her some of the Critical Care?
Thank you so much for your advice.  GPs are such great little animals, and I love this one very much.  And we have had a few worried weeks with Puff.  First with the pregnancy/delivery and now with her getting sick.  But I think she is on the mend.
The text above is a follow-up to ...

Puff made it through her (our) scare on Monday. (See 12/4 Sick New Mom).  She is taking Baytril (antibiotic) Calcionate syrup, and Metociopramide.  And is back with her babies.  They are no longer nursing, and she looks MUCH better.  But I noticed that she looks like she might be having trouble pooping? and just now her poop look a bit loose?  Do you think it could be the antibiotic?  I have cut down on her fresh fruit and veggies, and I'm trying to just give her Timothy hay and her pellets.  The babies are getting 1/2 evp. milk 1/2 water 1cc a day, and seem to be eating the pellets.  I have added some water to pellets for them and they seem to be eating fine.  The babies also eat the Tim. hay.  Should I be overly concerned about the loose poops?
Hello Puff,

You should be cautious about her poos, yes. It probably is the antibiotics, they are known for doing this. However, considering her previous circumstances, be cautious and keep a very close eye on her. Go to the drug store and get some Acidophilus tablets. Crush them and mix them either with a food mush if you are hand feeding her or water if you aren't and syringe feed it to her. The Acidophilus replaces the tummy bacteria they need to digest their food  and that the antibiotics kill off. This should help with her poos soon, like in the next 2 or 3 days or sooner. If things don't improve quickly, take her back to her vet. If it is the antibiotics, the Acidophilus should work. I also recommend switching the pups to alphalpha hay instead of timothy. Timothy is better for adults but the higher fat and calcium content of alphalpha is better for growing pups. I hope this works for you and Puff gets well soon. You've done very well with her. Few pigs suvive toxemia. Good luck and keep up the good work.


Hello Puff,

For some reason I thought the babies were seperate from Mom. Since they are still with her, just leave them on the Timothy. You can switch them after they are separated. The Acidophilus should be given to any pig on antibiotics for as long as they are are on antibiotics. I wish vets would remember to tell people this, it would make everyone's lives easier. So yes, get the acidophilus and give it as long as she is taking the antibiotics. And no, acidophilus won't do any harm, it's just a supplement and is safe to give them anytime even if they aren't on antibiotics. Just give her 1/2 to 1 crushed tablet a day, the amount you mix it with isn't important as long as she gets the acidophilus. The mush and water is just used to make it go down easier than the crushed powder. If you are concerned about how much she's eating, go ahead and give her the critical care. It won't hurt her and will help if she's in need of it. You could even mix the acidophilus into that. They are the most wonderful creatures I agree. I dealt with a difficult pregnancy and delivery myself so I know the bond it creates. Good luck with your precious Puff. I hope she is well very soon.
