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breeding and prior litters of guinea pigs

21 14:46:30

I have a mother who is 1 year old and little one who is 1 1/2 months old. both are still living in a cage together. if the mother gets pregnant again and gives birth. Will i have problems as far as fighting goes with the new babies, the mom and the 1 1/2 old until the babies are weaned enough to be removed from the mothers cage?

Miles --

Good questions.  You probably won't have any problems with fighting.  The one thing you'll have to consider, though, is inbreeding.  You want to be careful to separate the males out from the females before they get to breeding age.  Fighting, however, should not be an issue.

Hope this answers your questions.  If you have any further questions or if you need clarification on any issue, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
