Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pregant or not?

pregant or not?

21 14:19:20

Can you tell me how to tell if my guinea pig is pregnant?


There are some fairly easy was to tell if your Guinea Pig is pregnant, though keep in mind that you won't be totally sure that she is pregnant until she is about 4 to 5 weeks along.

Here are some easy ways to tell if she is pregnant.

1. If you notice she is eating and drinking more.

2. She'll become a lot rounder and become noticeably heavier.

3. She won't let you rub her tummy.

4. Put her on you lap with you hand under her and you'll be able to feel the babies move. After some time you'll be able to see the babies kick.

Good luck to you,
      Take Care,