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pregnant guinea pig not eating

21 13:50:33

i have a 3 year old female she is pregnant and i have noticed a big change in her over the last 2 days she is really quiet all fluffed up has a little bit a crust on her nose and when you pick her up she won't fight or struggle like she was before i am really worried and i don't how to help her she doesn't look like she is eating i have her with 2 other females and just put some chopped up carrots with them she is usually the first to dig in but she just sat there and sniffed at it please help me as i don't want her to die
thanks victoria

Hello Victoria!
Please take her to the vet. Ask them for a syringe and emergency hand fed food.
I think she may have Chelilitis ( or a Upper Repriratory tract Infection. Get a dose of medication and keep her on close watch for anything suspicous.