Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Fluffed Up and Not Eating

Fluffed Up and Not Eating

21 13:46:27

QUESTION: Hello, I own two guinea pigs and have noticed my one year old, Tink, isn't eating. Yesterday I noticed she was hiding more often in her house and wouldn't come out for food. My other half fed them this morning and Tink didn't eat any of the pellets and stayed hidden in the house. When he lifted the house out of the cage she had her hair fluffed up, which I think she was doing yesterday. I have taken her out of the cage now to try and hand feed her but she refuses to eat and has been fluffed up all the time. I have also had her left on her own with food next to her and she wont eat. She keeps vibrating every now and again too.
I am in the process of moving back home to my parents so have been leaving for several days and emptying the flat, leaving the piggies with my other half to care. I have taken the guinea pigs with me on one of these trips once, and they have visited my parents many times before. However, because of the move I don't have the space to keep bringing them in the car with me since it's a 3 hour journey and I need the car space for boxes! The guinea pigs are moving into my parents next week, and then I move the week after. Could it just be that Tink is sad as she knows what is going on?

ANSWER: It could be stress related but I doubt it is because they know a move is occurring, with the fur fluffed up it will likely mean that the guinea pig is either too hot, cold or ill in some other way. it could be down to her being bullied by the other this does often happen and oftentimes stops them from eating because they darn't. though it could just as easily be a symptom from an illness. I understand that you are in transit alot of the time and that time itself is going to be a little tight but you are best going to a vets nd having her looked over. if there are no apparent signs of illness then likely as not it is stress related and then you can evaluate other causes, if she is stressed from more commotion in the house, more moving around in their room, if it is hotter, colder, damper etc, or if it is possibly that the guinea pigs do not get along.
if you decide to go to the vets please message me back and feel free to ask any more questions.

best of luck and good luck with the move

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again,

I went to the vets and it turns out she had a problem in her gut which was the cause of her not eating (or pooping as well) so she was given two injections to kick start her eating again and I'm to take her back for a checkup later today. She seems to be eating a little now, so hopefully on the mend!

I also separated the guinea pigs last night but they kept squeaking for the other and broke through my barrier to snuggle to each other!

Thanks for your help

that's great, but only seperate them if the vet specified for you to, I only meant for you to seperate them in it appears that the other hs been bullying her and that is why she was not eating much. unless the vet says otherwise I would put them back together.

thnaks for replying and glad to hear that your guinea pig is on the end.