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thelmas a mummy now!!!!!!!!!

21 13:42:20

Hi again I wrote regarding THelmas pregnancy and you said any day  and then on 2/2/2014  at 7.30am she gave birth to three gorgeous babies two girls and a boy all babies survived and she had them out in 15 minutes,I was able to see the whole thing and it was amazing. I am keeping one of the girls,She is the runt of the litter and is so very adorable  and her name is Bella and a close friend who  has pigs will home the other two I plan to keep them for at least 6  weeks before they go to their new home.I said I would send pictures and they will follow very shortly  I just had to say they were born and are now on day three in the big world.

kind regards

CONGRATULATIONS! I am truly excited for you. And how wonderful you got to be there. It's amazing to witness. I've seen hundreds of births and it never ceases to thrill me. Can't wait to see the pictures, and thank you for letting me know.  I truly share your excitement.