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Runny eyes

21 14:19:42

I have two guinea pigs, both housed in the same cage. Recently I've noticed one of the two has a watery runny eye. Underneath there is balding, which probably is from her scratching at it. A few days ago they were given a small amount of alfalfa. The other shows no signs of eye irritation. Is it possible the dust from the alfalfa might have gotten into and irritated her eye? If not, what's wrong? Would polysporin eyedrops help at all?

The eye discharge can be a sign of a respiratory infection and they will need antibiotics by a vet. It is not contagious, and is not caused by the alfalfa. Alfalfa is recommended to be given as a treat. Guinea pigs need Timothy Hay everyday in order to get the proper nutrients that they need. She probably is scratching at it causing the hair loss. If her eyes are running and its not a respiratory problem than it is an eye infection. Either way she needs to see a vet before the infection spreads and eventually is fatal. You can carry her to a banfeild pet hospital that is located in almost all petsmarts and they have pretty good prices. The visit will be about $35 and the medicine could be anywhere from $10-$30. It is the best way to make your piggy better. Good luck, and let me know what happens.