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Pregnant guinea pig:

21 13:50:00

Hi! I have recently ran into a little problem with my guinea pigs. I THOUGH I had two females, but once one became very fat I did a little closer research and found one to be male.

I aquired my first guinea pig on December 6, 2010. I got her a single young female from a friend of my moms. After about 2 weeks I decided to get her a female roommate so I went to Petco (Which I regret). They sold me a female, which turned out to be my male.

My piggies have been rooming together for about a month and a half. Plenty of time for the sow to become pregnent. I believe her to be about 4-5 weeks. She has huge bulges on her hips. It went unnoticed for so long I believe becase she is long haired and it was hard for me to see her normal shape. She looks like a pear now. Luckially I have found 3 people whom I know and trust that want a guinea pig.

I just never intended to breed, and have no idea what I am doing. Once I realized she was pregnant I seperated the male and female, and I am starting to feed the female more peppers for Vitamin C. I really want the best for my piggie and her babies. so can you please give me any advice as to what I can do to make sure everything goes well?

Both of my piggies are still a little scared of me, but especially the famale. So it's hard for me to feed her sides. She allows me to get close, but freaks out when I go to pet her.

Again, any advice will be very helpful!!

P.s: I am looking to either neuter the male or adopt him out with the babies when they are born and keep one female baby to stay with the mom, so I don't have this issue again.

Well neutering is a good option, though fairly risky. dont forget that she will need extra calcium too, you can get a cuttlefish bone for parrots and the like and let it soak overnight in the water you are going to put in her water bottle. as long as she is under ten months old then the birth should be fine, otherwise you MUST talk to a vet as her hip bones could have fused.
if she is scared of your then when it is about time for her to give birth interact with her as little as possible, it is best for her to be left alone until the baby's are born and if she is skitty and a little scared of you then moreso. you have another two-four weeks yet before she delivers.

watch out for the baby males, they can become sexually active from s young as three weeks, though i would not seperate them for four-five weeks. also you can send any brothers off as a pair, contrary to popular belief they rarey fight unless there is a girl present.

other than this just keep the dad out of reach and let nature take it's course.

hope this helps