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Guinea Pig sores??

21 14:41:54

My Guinea pig keeps scratching himself and he does now need his nails clipping.  Is this similar to Rabbits, easy to do or is it best for a vet to do this.  Also he seems to be making a lot of noise at times and running around his cage in circles.  He appears to be in pain as he has broken out in several nasty scabs where he has been scratching himself. They are very red and obviously from bleeding.  I am concerned he may have an affection now.

He is eating very well, a correct dry mix and the occassional carrot, tomamto and celery.  I am going to bath hims in warm water, can I use a mild salt soloution in that water?   If so will he need treatment for these sores or will they go in time.   

If you are unsure can i send you a photo of him via email.  He was born around the start of January this year so is now nearly eight months old.  

I am resident in the UK any help or advice you can give me would be great.  He is a gorgeous little thing and was very friendly.  He is now nervous and timid and runs away from me most of the time.  Though I expect this is because he is in pain.


Hello Steve and thanks for the question,

My apologies on a late reply. I am very busy at work during the summer.

The scratching, ranting and pain (annoyance) that your GP is showing could be from 2 main causes; parasitic infestation or skin irritation.

Check the skin VERY closely. Look for redness WITHOUT mites/lice present. This is a skin irritation/infection and must be seen and treated internally by a vet. If your GP has an parasitic outbreak, wash him in human head/pubic lice shampoo now and again in TEN days. This will clear it up. For the open sores and pain (if caused by the mites), soak him in milk and rinse him in it. It helps. Rinse him in warm water and then bathe him in bay shampoo once the sores start healing. If the sores puss, seep or smell, get him to a vet ASAP.

As for the nails of the GP, yes, they must be trimmed at least once per month. Watch the quicks but if you DO hit one it will not be the end of the world.

Thanks and good luck,
Ryan, USA
PS: If this helps you, please rate me. Any more assistance needed, please ask.