Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Brainswelling in guinea pig

Brainswelling in guinea pig

21 14:37:38

Hi Andy,

I know this isnt usually in your degree of expertise, but i have a question on a baby guinea pig that recently had a fall...

She fell from around a 1 foot height, i had a tight hold of her but she managed to slip and fall...she hit her head on the laptop and i have been extremely upset since. I posted a question on  on the emergency forum, and the first two people replied had said that it should be ok if she showed no signs of injury, and seemed to be acting ok. So far she has been acting fine, however someone replied and said brainswelling can occur have you ever heard of this in guinea pigs? i dont know how fragile her head is, i dont want her to die because of me...

I am taking her to the vet straight away first thing towmorrow it has been one day since her fall. Can you think of any other cases of brain swelling in guinea pigs that you know of? i am going to an inexperienced vet, i want to be informed with as much information as possible, currently i havent been able to locate any exotic animal vets here in Australia. Do you know of any? Thankyou for taking the time to read my question and any advice would be appreciated.  


It is very unlikely that your pig will have been injured at all. They are very tough little animals so I really wouldn't worry.

I am afraid I know nothing about australian vets as i am in UK.

Finally, I have never heard of brainswelling in guinea pigs so I do not think you have any cause for concern.
