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aging and hair loss

21 14:25:55

My guinea pig is named Pudgy and she has hair loss behind her ears and on her behind. I'm really worried and don't know what to do. So what should I do?

Some guinea pigs do not have hair behind their ears naturally, but if you can see that it is falling out then that is a problem. The most common hairloss problem is mites, they are microscopic and under the skin, they are also guinea pig specific, there is more information about mites on my website, as well as treatment,
. The second possible hairloss problem is ringworm, this would be more common in the areas mentioned, if someone in your family recently had it too this is certainly her problem. If you recently purchased her from bad conditions then urine scalding could be the problem, this is where the acid from the pig's urine affects the skin so the hair falls out. Let me know if you have any more questions, or any thing to add.