Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Decided for another

Decided for another

21 14:45:48

I will take your advise on the last question to get another guinea pig but what if mine will not like the other and fight? I dont want to have them in seperate cages: to much work! How will I get them to get used to eachother and finally move them into the same cage?

Hello Lauren.

I guess i can't really guarantee anything. In the beginning, there are most likely going to be some territory issues. Not fighting though, but issues. They have to establish who's the king of the house. (cage). The only thing you can do is try to pair them up the best way you can. If you have an older male in the cage, the best match would be a VERY young male. That way, the younger male will let the older one be boss. Or if you have a very young male pig, get a much older old. It's all about the pairing. Most likely though, they will be happy to just have each other.

THe best way to put them together, is to keep them in the same room together, but in seperate areas. Let them play together first in the designated excercise area. Not in the cage. THey need to say hello first, smell each other, get to know eachother. After about a week of doing this, where they start to know each other, put them in the cage together and monitor them. FIGHTING isn't terribly common, but it can happen. If this worst case senario does happen, throw a towel over both of them, and grab one out of the cage. Like i said though, most likely the union will work if you pair them correctly. :)

Good luck! I would love to hear about this when you do it, or answer any more questions you may have.
