Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pig with a torn lip

Guinea pig with a torn lip

21 13:48:24

My sister accidently dropped my guinea pig and she hit the hard concrete floor. when we look at her lip it was torn and bloody. What should we do?

Believe it or not this kind of injury happens frequently. The good news is that the pigs usually heal very quickly from something like that and there's nothing special you need to do.  The one thing you do need to be concerned with is whether or not the front teeth were broken. Sometimes a fall like that will cause a tooth to either chip or break off completely.

More good news:  a cavy's teeth grow continuously, so even if they are broken they will grow back. If the front teeth are broken evenly it's not a problem, but if one is broken off higher than the other they need to be clipped.  That can be done with a pair of toenail clippers.

Unlike human teeth they don't have a nerve ending in there that causes pain when broken. A guinea pig's teeth are more like toenails and fingernails. You can clip them and they don't squeal or cry in pain.

If you need to do that please let me know and I will walk you through the process so you feel comfortable doing it.  

Hope this helps you.  Please let me if there is anything else I can do for you.