Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > seeking loving small pet will a gp work?

seeking loving small pet will a gp work?

21 14:37:35

Hello, I am intrested in getting a small pet of some sort, I am looking for something that doesnt mind being pick up and cuddle and doesnt die a year after you get it, I am looking for something that can be kept on its own and spoiled rotten, I have lots of free time to spare, I was wondering if a guinea pig would be right for me? I only want one will this work? I have dogs will this work?  

yes. A GP is the perfect pet. If you take care of it, it can live 5-8 years. Most though, live 3-5. They work well arounf dogs if they have a cage. Gte a baby so you can train it to wnat to cuddle and such. you can get only one, two is better so they won't get lonely buch one is fine. Let me know when you get one and feel free to ask for tips on how to care for it.