Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Feeding


21 14:05:59

How much do you feed a guinea pig

If you have an adult guinea pig, he/she should be getting 1/4 of a cup of pellets a day.  If your guinea pig is less than 6 months old, he/she should be getting unlimited pellets.

Make sure you are feeding a plain pelleted food.  Do not add any dried fruit or nuts, and do not buy the pelleted food with that stuff in it.  It is unnecessary and fattening.

When it comes to vegetables, you should feed your guinea pig two or three full bowls of veggies a day.  I feed my guinea pigs vegetables twice a day, and I give them quite a bit.

Make sure you are feeding leafy greens, such as romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce, parsley, kale, etc.  Try to rotate the veggies and try not to feed the same vegetable more than once a day.  Variety is the key.  It will keep your guinea pig happy.