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Quality of life for spine-injured guinea pig?

21 14:14:53

Our guinea pig jumped to the ground several days ago and injured her spine -- though it certainly looked at first like she broke her back legs, it is actually slight paralysis. The emergency vet said the x-rays showed slight spinal misalignment and recommended 2-3 months small cage confinement.
I was surprised to not find other accounts of this type of injury, since I think guinea pigs unwisely try leaping away from being held, especially if they're people-shy.
I'm curious how to evaluate our pig's quality of life, since I am hopeful she can rest for a few months and then maybe exercise and regain use of her back legs.  She still eats like a horse and seems to not mind the extra attention with us fluffing her bedding and checking on her every few hours.
Any thoughts are appreciated, thank you,

Hi Sara

Its certainly likely that your piggy will be in some discomfort. However, the fact she is eating well and generally seems well should be encouragement to you that she is in general good health.

If she was in severe pain then her appetite would certainly wain.

I would say your pig is happy enough despite her fall.
