Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > I have s scrard guinie pig and i have 2

I have s scrard guinie pig and i have 2

21 14:18:50

one of my gunie pigs are very scared of me. when i put my hand in the cage one of them chatters his teeth like i am going to hurt them. how can i stop that. i also have 2 gunie pigs. now only one is scared of me. do i need to put them in sepret cages? oh and one has flackes. one of my friends said that he might have mites but the vet said that he dosent. how do i stop that?

Hello Allie,

You have to win his trust. The best way to do this is with food. Bring a small bit of his favorite fruit or veggie with you and offer it to him when you stick your hand in his cage. Wait for him to come take the treat out of your hand. Before long he should warm up to you.

They only need to be in seperate cages if they are different genders if they are fighting, or if one has a contagious illness.

Has he been checked for a fungal infection? Fungal infections cause flaky skin. If he doesn't have an infection, he may just have dry skin. If you are bathing him frequently, that may be the problem. If not try a bath with a small amount Selsun Blue dandruff shampoo. It can treat a mild fungal infection if he has one (though he should see a vet to confirm this) and may help with dandruff if that's all it is too. If he does have a fungal infection (or your vet was mistaken and it is mites), this may explain his fear of you. It may hurt for him to be touched. Good luck!
