Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > I cant afford to take my guinea pig to the vet.

I cant afford to take my guinea pig to the vet.

21 14:24:00

We really can't afford to take my guinea pig to the vet, but I'm positive there is something wrong with him. His symptoms are, laying around in the same spot (and not moving barely & he used to move around ALOT), not eating or drinking much (though still eating and drinking, just not as much), when picked up he makes sort of a wheezing/quiet squeal (he used to run whenever we tried to pick him up & now he just sits there & lets us pick him up). I read alot of other people that had the same problem with their guinea pig(s) and it always said something about a respiratory infection. I just can't take him to the vet.

I've been giving him stuff high in vitamin C, and putting vitamin C in his water, and also getting him out and hand feeding him, and letting him walk around. Is there anything else I can do to help him get better with out taking him to the vet, or is he just going to die? I really don't want him to die! I love him so dearly. =(


Hi Stefanie,

    What you are describing are most likely the symptoms of an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI), from which a few of my guinea pigs died before I knew what was wrong with them.  It is usually fatal, but can be treated by a vet with antibiotics if caught in its early stages.  It sounds like your guinea pig is a bit into it, but he still may be able to be treated effectively by a veterinarian who is experienced with guinea pigs.  It is up to you, since it does not sound like this is an option.

    For now, it sounds like you are doing everything you can be doing for your piggie.  Giving him vitamins, attention, and hand feeding him are great.  Perhaps if you called a vet and asked if there is a treatment you can administer yourself, he or she may have a good answer.  I'm not sure, because none of my guinea pigs were properly diagnosed in time.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig.

                                              - Nicole