Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > deaf guniea pig

deaf guniea pig

21 14:05:45

Hi, my guinea pig has gone deaf just recently. I went away for a few days and got my friend to look after him, when I got him back I noticed he was acting different he is usually very vocal and quite active considering he is 6 years old but instead he was very quite and not as active. He would respond to my voice or even get excited when I brought him his tea. If I spoke to him he would normally talk back but now he doesn't even know I'm there and then gets scared and runs away when he realizes I'm there. What do you think I have checked his ears theres nothing in then do you think its old age?

It does sound like old age, but it is funny it should have suddenly happened over the time you weren't there!
Give him some more time back home for him to get used to having you around each day. A short break from a routine can effect some piggies!
