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Two Guinea Pig Males

21 14:25:32

Hi There!
I have a male Guinea Pig of about 4 or 5 years old that just recently acquired the company of another male Guinea Pig about 1 year of age. We wanted another and decided that our first needed the company anyways. I know the trouble in having two males, but the pet store mentioned that if they have their own space and their own cages they can learn to accept each others company. Is this true? Is there anything we can do to allow them to get along better? The younger one growls and tries to mount the older one when they "play" together - is this normal also? Is it better to have two males together than not havong any guinea pig company at all? Should we have one or both neutered? I know Guinea Pigs prefer company so we're just a little confused. Anything you can offer in the way of advice on this topic would be most appreciative. Thanks!


Have a guinea pig neutered is not the best of idea's. Some guinea pigs have died from the opperation and sheer pain and tress afterwards! Also i have been in this situation before! With an older and younger guinea pig. What i did (which works) was to...........

* Buy a large pen which sits on the grass. Get some mesh or chicken wire and partition the pen in two. Put the old pig in one half and the young one in the other. Put them out on dry days for a few hours, do this every day for a month as long as the whether is good. The guinea pigs will soon become used to being with eachother and seeing eachother and after a month will begin to pine for eachothers company. If so you can then remove the mesh after a while.