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my guinea pigs nipples

21 13:47:45

i have had my guinea pig for almost a year now an she is gaining weight an her nipples are getting larger and a little dark but her nipples arent long just thick..should i be concerned??

I'm assuming that she hasn't been housed with a boar and could be pregnant. At 32 oz they are considered to be 'seniors' (which has little to do with age) and is probably just getting fatter because she's over a year old. Most pigs will also start getting a pear shape and what we call "potty" due to age.

That's not a bad thing and in no way has anything to do with her condition, just that she's taking on the characteristics of a pig her age.  It's not anything to worry about.

If she has been exposed to a boar that's a different situation. She could possibly be pregnant. Since you didn't mention anything about her being with a male then that's not the case.