Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Baby Guine Pig

Baby Guine Pig

21 14:04:34

I was just wandering at what age is it ok for a guinea pig to go outside in a run?

Hi Jess,

Technically speaking, a guinea pig can go outside at any age. However, no piggy should suddenly be plonked in a run at the start of the summer - too much grass will upset their tummies. It would be better to gradually introduce any young guinea pigs you have to grass by picking it for them and feeding it to them with their veggies. When you do put them outside, do it for just twenty minutes at a time, and slowly build them up.

Additionally, guinea pigs should not have their first bath until they are two months old, and it is a good idea to bath them with a shampoo such as Lice N Easy from before they start to go outside, to discourage mites from bothering them.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions - just ask.
