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Health Problem

21 14:10:15

Hi, my guinea pig is 6 years old, over the past week I've noticed that he has been getting a lot thinner, and he won't eat, i put lettuce right up to his mouth and he wouldn't take it. He hardly has enough energy to drink water, he has been pooping a lot less also, and hid eyes are all pussy. My friend had a guinea pig that did the same thing, and then the guinea pig died, will mine die?

Hi Rachel.  Sometimes when guinea pigs are getting older they can get a bit run down when they feel somewhat getting on.  At six your pig is a great age for a pig to reach.  Let's hope he's not just feeling a bit old now.
What I have a feeling of here, though, is that your pig could well have malocclusion; have you had your pig's teeth checked by a professional at all?  First signs of this can include weight loss and a gradual lack of appetite which is what you have seen in your guinea pig.  The fact that your pig is pooping less is because of the little amount of food going through him.
 I would recommend that you firstly get his mouth examined by your vet, see if he needs his molars and/or incisors cutting and deal with that first.  In the meantime from now on you will need to be syringe feeding him a complete foodstuff for poorly piggies until he is able to eat fully by himself.  (Ask your vet for Critical Care by Oxbow or Supreme Science Recovery.)  Also your pig may like some veggies blended up to drink.
If you can get this sorted, your pig has a good chance of surviving.  The biggest part about illness that kills a guinea pig is the lack of food, as a guinea pig's digestive system relies on daily food passing through the body.  Without it, the body begins to shut down.
I hope this has given you some insight and hope - please do see your vet like i said.  Good luck!
