Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > hi andy!

hi andy!

21 14:15:37

hi Andy i just want to ask if i can give my pregnant guinea pig a bath?and is it normal that my guinea pigs are jumping i mean they seems like being tickled i cant say its like an act of being epileptic but its very strange!!and how will i make sure that my cavy is pregnant and what things should be taken care of?thank you very much Andy!

Hi Ulysses

Personally I wouldnt bath a pregnant piggy. Try dry bathing her with a cloth if she has a particularly dirty area.

The jumping you describe is called "popcorning" and is just the piggies showing they are having a good time.

The diet of a pregnant female should be the same, although any extra calcium rich foods is good.

I would recommend you weigh your pig each day and you will notice weight gain each day if pregnant. Also, an increased thirst and appetite is also good evidence.
