Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > about gp

about gp

21 14:42:25

what is a gp guinea pig? and i am breeding my guineapig she is 9months is that ok and when she gives birth she will be 12months is that ok for her to give birth she is a long haired guinepig.
1 more question she dosent like the male 1 sniffing her bum but when she comes to season will she get breed by him weather she likes it or not?

Hello Amie and thanks for the question,

I am sorry. I am having trouble understanding you. If you are a nonnative english speaker, you may want to try asking someone in your native tongue. If you are young, ask your parents to help you. I will answer what I "think" you are asking me.


GP is Guinea Pig.
9 months is too early to breed a female without risk to her and/or her litter.
If she does not like the male "sniffing" her, you shoudl seperate them. She will become "annoyed" as her pregnancy goes on. She may bite him or chase him around.
