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Ovarian Cysts

21 14:34:28

I took Annie in to see her regular vet. We ran some skin scrapings, xrays, and an ultrasound. My vet told me that she did not have any ovarian cysts. She told me that she had Alopecia and this is why her hair is falling out. She also told me to cut down on the carrots, make sure she has vit. c in her water, and feed her plenty of roughage. She also told me that Annie didn't need surgery. I just wanted to let you know Annie's status. You have been a great help and I thank you for everything that you did for me. Just being there helped.

Tia Miller

Followup To

Question -
I wrote a couple of days to you in regards to my piggie Annie. I have decided to go on with the surgery but the vet can't get her in until 6/6/06. I noticed today she has lost a lot more hair. She first lost hair on her back. She has now lost her hair on both sides. This is in a 2 day period. Does this mean it is getting worse? Will I have enough time for the surgery? Is there a possibility she may not make it until then? I am sorry for all of the questions, but I am so worried. When I pick her up, she starts to squeak loudly and head butts me on the cheek. Am I hurting her? I don't know how long she has had these cysts for. Are they cancer? Also, I have found numerous research on complete procedures for neuturing a male. Do you know of any websites that gives the complete procedure of a female. I have also read that nuetering a male is not as risky as spaying a female. Is this true? Please help. I am so worried for Annie.

Tia Miller

Hi Tia,

I'm glad Annie didn't have cysts.

There was one particular point I picked up on: the Vitamin C in the water.

Piggies really don't need any supplements if they are getting a good diet. If she definitely needs a supplement, go for a human vitamin C tablet (with as little sugar and additives as possible), crush it and sprinkle it on her food. Oxbow do an excellent vitamin C tablet as well.

Vitamin C degrades quickly in the water, and with the light as well it is useless after just a few minutes. What is left is the often harmful minerals. They also distort the taste of the water.

Have a look at (copy the address and paste it in the address bar of your browser [ where the html://www..... bits go]) for more information on this and more info about getting the most out of a piggy diet.

I'm so glad I was of help to you. I am very relieved Annie seems to be ok.

Take care,
