Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > a cold perhaps?

a cold perhaps?

21 14:05:47

We had two guinnea pigs until yesterday.  I changed their cage on friday night, using same supplies etc as always, same food, same everything - nothing diff.  Sunday morn I noticed the water level had not changed since friday, and neither had their food level changed.  one of the two pigs had what we call crusties around her eyes.  Sundy  night still no food or water...Monday morning, she seemed really listless, adn no food or water change.  Monday evening she was pretty much gone.  She was the dominant of the two, both roughly 15-18mos old....both acting normal, healthy until this.  Now the second one has still not eaten or drank she has crusties around her eyes.....and is losing energy quick.  you can hear congestion in her lungs, and she had what looked like dried snot (sorry for word) ouside of her nose.  What's going on?  I'd really rather not go to the vet - I'm guessing it'll cost $100 or so!!  

thanks for your help!

Hi Bonnie
this sounds like a respiritory infection.
You should really get her to a vet as she will need Baytril which is prescription only.
In the meantime buy some SUDOFED from your pharmacy,its safe for guinea pigs and give her some at the dosage rate of 0.2ml once a day till you get can her to a vet.
You could also put a tiny dab of VICKS on her nose to help with her breathing.
Like I said a vet will be needed.
Kind regards