Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > New pig acting funny

New pig acting funny

21 14:30:03

He's eating good.  I've given him oranges, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, strawberries, and pellets and grapes.  And I'm giving him water from a syringe to make sure he's drinking...

Followup To

Question -
I have a new pig that I've had 2 days now. I think he might have issues.. When I go to pick him up, he doesn't move or give me any chase.  Is it possible that he's just a laid back cool pig or do you think he might be sick?  He looks to be really young also...  I'm asking because my last pig hated to be picked up, carried or held but this guy doesn't complain about anything.  Is it because he's young possibly?  or sick?  He's eating well and pooping but he has a bit of a stopped up sounding nose but no crust and his eyes look good. I've given him orange slices the last 2 days just to boost his vitamin C intake. Any opinion you could give would be great.  Thanks.

Answer -
If you got him from a pet store, he is likely sick. Are you weighing him? Is he eating? What are you feeding him?

It sounds like he has the start of URI - upper respiratory.

I would take him to an exotics vet and get some ABs. There is a list of safe meds at the above site.  

That's good but I would still get him checked out. For future reference, please read how to handfeed

Just syringing water won't cut it if you have a sick pig.

Are you feeding hay? Your guinea pig needs timothy hay. It's an important staple of their diet.