Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My piggie is dragging his back legs

My piggie is dragging his back legs

21 13:50:28

Last night I noticed that my little piggie who is about a month old was limping and seemed to be draging his back legs. When I picked him up he didn't kick his back legs at all.  (The day before this he was running around his cage just fine)  He is still allert and he is eating.  I feed him Kale, parsley, bell peppers, carrots, and cucumber twice a day and pellets that are specially for young guinea pigs that I got from my vet and Timothy hay.  He doesn't cry out in pain when he is picked up and when we exampned his legs he didn't seem to mind. He did jump into his cage when I was putting him back the day before but he did not cry out in any pain.  I read that he may have a vitiman e deffiency, but none of my other piggies have ever had this type of thing happen to them. Please help.
Thank you  

Hello Julie!
Guinea pigs actually don't require Vitamin E. If he starts to not be able to walk or his legs are in pain, rush him to emergency. It is normal for a guinea pig to keep a leg stretched far out and 'drag' one of them. if it is only one leg and he isn't hurting, ignore it.