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HelloI bought a pair of...

21 14:45:10


I bought a pair of males from a petstore yesterdy and turns out today I have a male and a female! They are both very small the male is so tiny hed fit into a mug and still have room in the mug, the female is just a little larger then him. I thought that she was jsut a fat male but turns out his belly was kicking when I resexed him so its a her. My question is what are the chances of her carrying them to full term and her and the pups living? How far away is she from giving birth if I can feel them kicking? How big would tehy be when born since she is so small?

Sorry, I got away from myself! You also asked how BIG they will be and the chances of her carrying them to term?

They will be about 2.5 inches long (though maybe smaller because of the age of the mother). If she does carry them to term (I heard from another expert recently that there is a 20% chance of young mothers dying in the pregnancy)they will be perfectly healthy! GPs are VERY resilient and self sufficient. An average litter, in my experience is 3-5 though up to 12-14 can occur (rare). If you can feel them then they are coming within a week.

Thanks again and sorry to answer in two parts like this.