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term paper

21 14:38:51

i have to write a 5 page term paper and i was wondering if you knew what i could get the most info on-like what i should mainly talk about. i hope you understand what im asking. Please answer me asap.

                   Thank you,   Brittney

Brittney --

Okay, I'm going on a few presumptions here - they are that you are a) in high school, b) writing this for english class, c) wanting to write about guinea pigs but not sure how to narrow it down.

I'm fairly sure the easiest topic to find information on (whether at the library or online) would be on the use of guinea pigs as research animals.  Whether you are for or against this practice it should be fairly easy to come up with a topic sentence and some research.

There are other ideas, of course - cavy genetics (if its for a science class), breeding, showing, etc.  Let me know if you need more.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
