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my piggie

21 14:04:03

Hi My 2 yr old pig is overweight and I do have him on a closer diet but that is not my problem. He has reciently stoped using one of his back legs, he drags it behind him. He has not had any trama done to him. He does have a small growth that if It was on a human would be either a wart or a bunan on a toe. but his is on the bottom of his back foot. He is not a normally happy pig so it is hard to tell if he is in pain. He is vocal most of the time but since I let him get over weight it is hard to tell much. He just sleeps alot. He lays in his poop and I have to clean his under side. I hope you can help me I do not want to take him to the vet to be put to sleep unless if I have to.

He could possibly have an internal cyst or tumor, which makes him look so big inside. Guinea pigs normally do not get to overweight no matter how much food you feed them. The mass on his foot is probably an abcess, caused by something getting stuck in his foot, which could cause him to not use that foot, but it could also be from partial paralysation. I would take him to the vet, if he is living a decent life there is no reason to put him down.