Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > TEMPERATURE


21 13:43:01

Hi San,
Well, I feel like a dummy because last night I forgot to bring my 2 female guinea pigs inside. I am really worried because the night time low was 12 celsius for 3 hours and they didn't have anything to cover the cage to keep the air out. If that was enough for them to get upper respiratory infections and if so, what can I do to stop it from happening? I am so worried about my piggies.

12 c is not that cold, not really, guinea pigs suffer more from heat rather than cold, so long as they had shelter, it was dry and they had hey to snuggle up in then they will be fine.

uri's tend to happen when pigs are kept in damp, dusty enviroments or strongly scented hay/sawdust.

many of the rescues i have live outside in hutches when it is minus ten celcius and all they have is hay, a snug box and a breathable cover over the mesh to stop snow and rain blowing in and they do fine.
im sure your guinea pigs wil be fine

all the best