Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > nose


21 13:50:18

hi there!
I recently bought a baby piggie from a pet store, and when I got him home I noticed that on his nose there was a little bit of crusty, dandruff like stuff. He hasen't been scratching it or anything, and there isn't any more. Could you please tell me if I should attenpt to wash it off, or just not worry. Maybe the males fought in the pet store? Anyay, thanks, Nettie


Is it a white patch just above the nose? I put in a picture of my late guinea pig Cappuccino, look at her nose. Is it similar? If it is, its just a birth defect and shouldn't be poked at, normal.
If not, take it to the vets to see there opinion. We don't want him to be getting a fungal infection as there nose is very sensitive.