Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > me again

me again

21 14:08:05

Ok she is DEFINITELY like getting a hard stomach... and her weight is back up to 1 pound and 2 ounces again and gaining... the scale kept going between 2 and 2 and 1/8 ounces... I do have a question though... well how can you tell if her pelvic bones are separating??? I know they're like her hip bones basically but how do you tell if they're separating... How do you measure the "2 fingers" thing 24 to 48 hours between she gives birth... Thanks AGAIN!


Hi Bree

I cant give you a blow by blow commentary about the pelvic thing because I have never kept females myself.

However, if you look at the piggies' private area (as if sexing her to see if male or female) it will be totally obvious that the bones have separated.
