Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > hay allergy

hay allergy

21 14:26:18

I have two female guinea pigs. One has recently developed watery eyes which seem to have improved since replacing their hay bedding with towels and shredded newspaper. At present they are outside and have a good supply of grass as well as their dish of dried commercial guinea pig food. They will soon be coming inside for the winter and I am concerned that their diet will suffer wihtout having hay available to eat.  

Hi Jill,
    As for your guinea pigs' food supply, there is nothing wrong with the pet store brand guinea pig food.  Also, fresh veggies are an excellent source of nutrition and imperitive in your piggies' diets.  You may also wish to add vitamin C supplement drops, which can be picked up at your local pet store.

    As for the bedding, what I use is cedar or pine shavings, and neither has every worked out badly at all.

    The watery eyes concern me a bit, but only if because if it gets worse then it can be a sign of serious illness such as URI.  Reference this site as to what symptoms your guinea pig was showing when his eyes were discharging, and it will tell you what to do it it worsens:

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If i was unclear at all or if you have any further questions, feel free to write again.  Good luck with your guinea pigs (=

                                                - Nicole