Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Our Guinea Pig doesnt seem to like us...

Our Guinea Pig doesnt seem to like us...

21 14:28:25

I'll get right to it...
We just got her last Sunday. She (Bailey) is 5 months old.  At first she just seemed nervous but she seems to have gotten LESS comfortable with us as the week has progressed.
1) She "growls" at us (hardly ever squeaks)
2) She is more and more reticent to let us pick her up.
2) She sometimes faces her butt at us and faces the wall (we read that means she might be depressed?)
3) Will chomp her teeth at us (which we thought was cute because it just sounds like snickering until we read that that was how pigs will try to scare off potential predators).
4)Butts her head up when we try to pet her.
5)Stays completely still when we (used to) hold her... now, as I said, she won't even let us hold her.

She SEEMS physically healthy.  Poops a lot (I read that this is normal) and the poops seem fine.  Eats her pellets and dricks her water.  We give her a little piece of some kind of vege or fruit everyday.  Usually a small slice of orange or an inch of celery (she lieks those a lot)... should we be giving her more (we read that we shouldn't give them too much "human food" as it may give them stomach aches)?

As I said, we don't really pick her up any more (last two days) because we dont want to drive her further away.  Just today we decided we will start giving her the veges by hand and have her take them from us (rather than just putting them in there) so she might start to trust us.  Is this is a good idea?  What else should we be doing (or NOT doing)?  What are common errors that new owners often make?

I know they are social animals which is why our intention was always to play with her a lot and give her attention.  We know that it is often good to get a second guinea pig but we are very reluctant to do this for a few reasons.
1) We have a big (commercial) cage but we read that each pig should have a minumum of 2 square feet and  if you have two you shold have 4 sq feet which we definitely would not have (and we don't have the room for that in our small apt).
2)The bedding is already a bit of a strain on our budget (But doable).  Doubling the amount of times we would have to change the cage would be a tremendous strain.
3)We're afraid of the smell that even one pig would give in our small apartment let alone two pigs!

I know that sounds a bit selfish... but I am just being honest and practical.

ALSO (and perhaps this is related to the problem), but she is pooping ONLY in her house.  Is this normal?  I was told they are scatterers but she doesn't scatter at all.  I moved her house (thinking maybe she just likes that corner) but then she just pooped where I moved the house to.  Is this normal behavior?

As far as running around, she pretty much only does this at dusk for 2 to 5 minutes... not long at all, is it?  But, she goes NUTS in this time.

Sorry that this is so long.  I just wanted you to get the full picture.  Thanks so much for your help!


Most of the behavuors you describe are normal. You really do need to get her a bigger cage and a same sex friend. 2 square feet is actually the breeder standard and it is too small. Have you seen ? A larger cage is easier to clean and there is less smell.

Are you feeding her hay? She needs grass hay at all times. She needs a cup of fresh veggies every day for vitamin C. Slowly introduce any veggies. Celery and oranges are not the best choices. You need leafy greens like romaine, cilantro, endive, etc.

There is great care info here

You may want to consider treating her for mites. It is probably making her irritable. You also have only had her a short time. She needs to adjust.