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guiea noises

21 14:26:34

we just got two 5 week old guinea-pigs. (very cute). they both make a low motor like noise. (almost like a purr of a cat). i have never heard a quinea do this? do you know what they are trying to say?

Hey Cara,

The purring in g/pigs can mean a few things, but rest assured its perfectly normal. Depending on the situation, you can interpret what the purring means:-

1) It can sometimes mean that the g/pig is angry, or territorial, especially if they're males. The purring is just something they do when introduced and not used to each other (when theyre trying to sort out the pecking order, etc.). I dont think this should be a problem unless they start being aggressive towards each other, in which case split them up (or vicious fights will ensue).

2)Sometimes piggies purr when theyre telling you off, but in these situations the cause is normally obvious. (My own piggy, Buttons, always keeps on top of me on a regular basis-he knows the exact times of his mealtimes and starts purring if im on my comp next to his cage, busy doing work, and I havent fed him promptly at his normal time. He also tells me off if i havent notice when his water's run out, and once he did so when I removed his salt-lick, as he was OBSESSED with it, and it was causing him to drink one large water bottle a day. He kept going to the spot where it used to be and looking at me, purring at me! ) Its not normally too serious its just asking for something they want.

3) G/pigs often purr when they're very comfortable and content, and kept happy. This can be the case either when you're petting them, or just treating them very well.

In your case, as they're two young g/pigs, I would say its a combination of being a little territorial in their new home with a new companion piggy, and just being very happy and excited. The behaviour is nothing to worry about and is quite typical, but just keep an eye on them over the next week or two just to make sure they accept each other, and don't start fighting, as can sometimes happen with piggies.

I hope i was able to help,
