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How do I tell if my guinea pig is pregnant

21 14:17:10

Hi, my name is Grace and I own a female guinea pig called Cindy. Cindy shares her cage with a boy guinea pig named Dash. Just Recently, Cindy came on heat and I am not sure if she is pregnant. How do I tell? and if she is pregnant, is there any kind of special care she should be getting?
From Grace  

Hello Grace,

Cindy and Dash should not be living together unless Dash is neutered. Intact male and female Guinea Pigs should never be housed together. They should only be placed together if breeding is the intent and then seperated after breeding takes place. If you haven't done so yet, seperate them. Cindy will need extra vitamin c, plenty of food, and water. Don't handle her once she starts showing unless absolutely neccessary. If she starts gaining weight and becoming per shaped there is a good chance she's pregnant. The only way to know for certain is 3-4 weeks before her due date you will be able to feel the pups move. You can also take her to get an X-Ray done but that is very stressful and should only be done if there is a suspected problem. Pretty much you just have to wait until they start moving. Keep a close eye on Cindy for any complications and take her to the vet right away if anything seems off. Good luck and best wishes for a safe delivery and healthy pups.
