Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > a very old guinea pig

a very old guinea pig

21 14:09:58

Hi! I have an almost 10 year old guinea pig that is declining fast.  I'm desperate for ideas to make him more comfortable. Our vet gives minimal suggestions as he is not sick just very old.  He is still eating and drinking but not much - he's very quiet - not too many whistles any more.  His back legs are near to being paralyzed - arthritis, etc. and I do have an anti-inflamatory prescription for him.  Any ideas?   Thanks!

Hi Jan

I have just lost a piggy to old age, much younger than yours though!

It might be the time to make the decision to have him put to sleep but that depends on whether you think he is suffering or not. Either way its a difficult decision, I understand that.

I cant supply you with many ideas although a hot water bottle for him to lie on may bring him some comfort.
