Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > hey!!!


21 14:44:14

Hey, I have a boy guinea pig ive had him for a while can i get another boy for a companion for him? what r some good foods I can feed him and can I bathe him and how/?

Dear Desiree,

    From expierience I would not put two males together after you have had one for a while, they will defend there territory and they will get into bad fights. I suggest getting a spayed female, or get your male nuetered they get along very well!!!Some good food brands I highly recommend that have kept my two current guinea pigs alive for the past 5 years are  Forti-Diet, & natures gold, and Bonanza, mix any of these with Timothy Hay that would be awesome. Timothy hay provides all the daily needed Vitamin C needed for these animals. Beleive me it is a very good cheap way of keeping your piggie healthy.You certainly may bathe him but don't over do it every other week is a good time period to start with. I personally recommend Mane N' Tail you can get it at Randalls pretty cheap.If there is anything else I can help you with please directly e-mail me at for any further questions. Please rate me so I know how I am doing.Thankyou and have a good day.

   Good Luck,
        Katie Triggs