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Brother and sister

21 14:17:01

Kat, glad you're back.  We have a brother and sister that we love.  Born 11/06.  Their Mom (Puff) died two weeks after their birth, pregnancy toxemia.  We found homes for two sisters, but could not part with Chloe or Coco.  So we bought a large cage and split it down the middle with wire mesh.  My questions:  My local vet told me it would cost $400 to have Chloe neutered....... that is not an option.  Is having his sister so close driving him crazy?  He purrs at her but does not seem to worried about getting to her.  He does bite at the wire fence between them a little. I would love to have them be able to get closer to each other, but can not spend $400.  Do you have any ideas?  Is our set up large enough for them?  The cage is 32x20 cut about down the middle.  Do you know of a Guinea Pig vet that would be more reasonable?  I do not want to take the chance of loosing him, but would not be able to spend $400......Any suggestions would be appreciated

Hello Shelley,

They will be fine seperate and next to each other if that is the way you want them to stay. Many of our males live next door to females and have no trouble being next to them and enjoy communicating with the girls through the bars. The cage is large enough but if you can go bigger it is recommended. If it stays the same size, they will need plenty of "out" time to exercise. Not being in your location, I can't recommend any vets. However, I'll give you a link to a vet finder for Guinea Pigs. I don't know if the vets listed are good vets but it is a start. Call around and check with friends to find out more before you visit. Good luck! Glad to hear Chloe and Coco are well.
