Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pigs died after 2 weeks

Guinea pigs died after 2 weeks

21 13:49:48

Hi we brought 2 male sibling guinea pigs 2 weeks ago they were 8 weeks old one of them the smaller of the two had little episodes where he would shake his head alot but otherwise seemed fine we kept them fed on the same food they were fed on in the place we got them and used sawdust and hay for their bedding we found both of them dead at the weekend we know they haven't eaten any plants or anything but they did have a cardboard house in their hutch could this of killed them they may have eaten a little bit of it but not much at all but that is the only thing I can think of, do you have any suggestions as my girls are upset and I don't want this to happen again!

no the cardboard would not have killed them piggies love that stuff mine have it all the time,the head twitching sounds like the culprit, it usually indicates mites in the ears which will work there way into their heads, a horrid thing which unless spotted early is very, very difficult cure. i doubt there was anything that you could have done.

clean out the hutch/cage and run it with a watered down disinfectant and buy some new pigs from a different seller, it is quiet a rare illness.

best of luck