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diseased guinea pig?

21 14:23:07

I noticed the inside of my guinea pigs ear is black, it wasn't like that before and the other ear looks normal and pink. My guinea pig is a baby and her mother died less than a month ago. Could she be sick, what should i do?

Hi Marsha,

   Is the black area of your guinea pig's ear seemingly dirty or discolored?  Was the guinea pig fully weaned before the mother died?  Discoloration could possibly related to malnutrition, although I'm not sure how.  Malnutrition can cause strange things in guinea pigs.  Be sure to add vitamin supplemental droplets daily to your piggie's food and water - even if it is not the cause of the ear problem.

   However, since it is only a baby, I'm thinking that maybe a gene for a black ear could have been turned on, changing the color.  Genetics is weird this way, with genes turning on and off by different environmental factors, or even just age.  I had a baby guinea pig with a small brown spot that looked like dried blood on his back, which eventually grew to be a huge orange square patch of fur.  If you have a real concern that this is a health problem,  take the piggie to see a reliable veterinarian who is experienced in the area of guinea pigs.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                                - Nicole