Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > very worried

very worried

21 14:13:02

my guinea pig hasnt been eating or drinking water and it is starting to get constapated and  i asked anthor person about my guinea pig and they said to see a vet and we dont have vets around here who treat exotic animals like a guinea pig.
What should i do?

Hi Kelly

Not eating or drinking is a sign of general ill health. Surely your local vet can help even if they are no exotic experts.

For the constipation you can give 0.5ml of liquid parafin. A second dose can be given on the second day but never give a third dose.

Other than that, you could consult a local breeder as your pig needs to be examined to determine what is wrong. Unless you can tell me any other symptoms he may have at all and I will try to help.
