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Guiniea pig crisis!

21 14:19:23

No matter what I do, my guinea pig won't move! I got her a harness and an exercise ball and followed all directions but she never moves! She is also pretty obese and is only a little over a year old. How do I get her some exercise?

Excersize balls are not that great. It bends the pigs back in a way it is not to bend, so can eventually cause back problems. Harnesses are not safe either. the best thing you can do is give they little one plenty of floor time to run around. Get a guinea pig food that is for obese pigies. The best way I have found to give a piggy more excercise is to get a new piggy for a cage mate. Usually they will run and play together. My male was not active at all, but now he will chase his buddy all day long! Just make sure you have a big enough cage, and you are set. Good luck!