Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > fur loss and .... dandruff?

fur loss and .... dandruff?

21 14:19:51

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i noticed my guinea pig was missing some patches of fur. he hasnt lost anymore fur, but the areas that are furless wont grow back and today, i noticed he had white dandruff like stuff all over his fur! whats going on??? i think it is mites, but what should i do? is there something at home i can give him, or do i have to buy something???? if i do have to buy something, where should i buy it from, and how do i give it to him(my guinea pig is VERY fussy)????

Hello, it sounds like your guinea pig has mange mites. You need to take your guinea pig to a vet for a dose of ivermectin. That's really the only way to ensure that you are giving your guinea pig the correct dosage of ivermectin. They do have ivermectin for horses but I am not sure on the amount of dosage you need to give to a guinea pig. Maybe if you bought the ivermectin and contacted the vet they could tell you. If you buy the ivermectin over the counter it's not that expensive, but it's the dosage you need to figure out. The ivermectin is the only way to get rid of mange mites. Good Luck and keep me posted.