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illness - genitals - lumps

21 14:25:55

Thank you so much Kat, you have really helped on my decision and i shall definately take my guinea pig to the vet, I have also printed the list on harmfull medicines too (which will come in very useful when visiting the vets). The first link you gave me was that picture of the guinea pig with the big red prolapsed uturus. My guinea pigs is noway near like that however. You can only see the little wart like groth if you inspect (if you know what i mean). Would it be easier if i took a photo of it with my mum on the digital camera? Or is that not much use, shall i just take her to the vets as you said? Please reply thank you so very much,
Emma (14) x

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Question -
i have three guinea pigs (all females) one of which has a 1 year old baby. I have recently found a lump on the 1 year old in her genitals. It it totally different from the other two guinea pigs. It looks red and sore and tender. When touching it my guinea pig does not seem destressed and passing urine is no problem either, but i am worried about this lump as i would hate to leave the matter and anything to happen to my 1 year old sow. Is taking her to the vet an idea? I just dont want it to cost a lot as my parents would not allow me to take her. Do you have any advise or email address's or tips on how to be given a cure or advice for my young cavies problem. Thank you for reading,

Emma (14)  x

Answer -
Hello Emma,

Your piggy does need to see a vet. It sounds almost like a possible prolapsed uterus. I'm not sure if that can happen when they aren't pregnant but I suppose anything is possible. I managed to track down a picture of a prolapsed uterus so you can compare (her's could be smaller or larger than the one shown)

She could have also injured herself and/or got an infection. In any case, she really should see a vet. Call around to all the vets offices that it would be possible to take her to and check out prices and how familiar they are with piggies. I'm also going to send you a link with dangerous medications so you can print it (or write them down) to take with you and make sure the vet doesn't give her any of them.

Good luck with your little girl. I hope she gets well soon.


Hello Emma,

Taking a picture may help, but sometimes it's still difficult to tell without seeing it first hand so I couldn't make any promises. I do still reccommend a vet at any rate though to have it removed and make sure it's nothing life threatening (a malignant growth of some sort). I do believe Guinea Pigs can get warts, so it's possible that's exactly what it is. If you want to take the picture anyway, with your permission, I'll pass it around amongst my friends if I can't figure it out and see what they come up with.
