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What happened to the babies?

21 13:51:40

Hi, it's me, Lily, again.  Hyacinth still hasn't given birth yet, and we're starting to worry.  She still drinks more than the normal amount of water and shows all the other signs of pregnancy, but it's been about 9 weeks since we noticed she was pregnant, which would make her 12 weeks pregnant.  We are considering the possibility that the babies may have died.  If so, is there anything we can do to help?  Will she naturally give birth to the dead babies, or will she need an operation?
Thanks so much, Lily

Hello agian Lily!
I would say that you should probably take her to the vet within a week if nothing happens. But, I did think that my own girl, Gypsy, was pregnant when I got her and it turned out to be a false alarm.
Yes she would still give birth to dead babys, but an operation would be pretty extreme. Feel free to ask me a question agian anytime.

Hope this helps,